Deans Marsh History
This Timeline was prepared in 2019-2020 for the Deans Marsh Towns Stories Small Grant project to discover the range of activities and events held at the Deans Marsh Hall and Oval.

1960s - 1980s
Consolidation & Recovery
The community runs a Miss Deans Marsh competition and one of the contestants ends up in the Miss Australia pageant. The Martians baseball team begins, the Hall committee buys more land – and then sells it. The Deans Marsh Community Cottage is created and Deans Marsh experiences the Ash Wednesday bush fires.

The Comunity Cottage
The Community Cottage moved into a container, the Surf Coast Shire Council is created and Council begins to play a more active role in Deans Marsh, the Gymkhana becomes the Pioneer Festival, the Hall Curtain is re-imagined and the Hall gets an extensive extension. READ MORE
Contribute to the History of Deans Marsh
This research was conducted by Deb Campbell during 2019 and 2020 and she hopes, and we all agree, that it will remain an ongoing project.
So if you have ideas, photos or information to add please contact her on
0410 692 665 or
History Chats
If you're interested in joining a casual chat about the history of Deans Marsh visit our What's On Calendar and come along to our next gathering.